It's important to take care of your lawn in all seasons, not just spring and summer. Since the weather in South Carolina doesn’t get cold enough to completely kill off grass, prepping in winter will lead to a greener, healthier lawn come springtime. As winter approaches and your turf looks less and less appealing, you can take some simple steps to return it to health and bring back its color. Just follow these 5 tips, and you’ll have the yard of your dreams year-round.
The most important thing you can do for your lawn is continue to mow until it goes dormant. This will keep the grass at a manageable height, as well as remove any excess debris that has built up. Be sure not to scalp your lawn, however; removing too much of the blade can damage your grass and hinder new growth. Warm season grasses found in the Southeast (like Bermuda, Centipede, and Zoysia) should be mowed to around 1-2 inches tall, depending on type. And remember the rule not to cut more than a third of your grass’s height at one time. Your lawn will continue to grow throughout the winter, albeit at a much slower rate, until the temperature drops below 40 degrees.
Raking is no one's favorite task, but it does create a healthier environment and prevents fungal disease. Always rake before rain is expected. If leaves are left to create a wet mat, they will invite insects that may travel into your home. Be sure your last rake of the year isn’t too early (before all leaves have fallen) or too late (when they've started to decompose).
Aerating is the process of punching holes in your lawn to allow nutrients, air, and water to reach the core of your soil. Doing this before applying fertilizer or weed killer helps those products absorb, rather than being washed away.
If you only fertilize your lawn once a year, the best time to do so is fall. This will give your lawn the right amount of nutrients, oxygen, and moisture to grow come spring. If you wait until spring, your lawn will miss out on the nutrients it needs to survive through winter. Be sure to allow enough time for nutrients to absorb into the ground, where grassroots need them most, before watering your lawn, which can wash them away.
Maintaining your lawn year-round takes a lot of time and effort, and can be a daunting task. You may prefer to trust a local lawn care company. Coastal Turf, for example, specializes in services including core aeration, sod installation, weed control, and more. If you have questions, call a local technician to discuss specifics in your yard and what you can do to have the best curb appeal in the neighborhood!
If you're selling your house in the winter, curb appeal remains crucial. Fortunately, Disher, Hamrick & Myers includes virtual landscaping in all our listing photography. Regardless of the time of year, we keep your yard tidied of leaves, your flowers blooming, and your grass as lush and green as it is during its peak. Take a before-and-after look at the possibilities:
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