Disher, Hamric & Myers
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At Disher, Hamrick & Myers, real estate has always been about much more than addresses and acreage. It’s about welcoming people to the place we know, love and call home. Meet our team of DHM Real Estate Agents, local Charlestonians who strive to help you find your own unique place in our perfect little part of the world. We invite you to start your home search with us. We’ll walk you through potential neighborhoods, help you sell a beloved family residence, show you the area’s best schools or introduce you to your new best friend. It’s all part of our mission to build the warm relationships and community that make Charleston the home we all love.

Let's Connect

Discover your dream home with Disher, Hamrick & Myers. Contact us today to start your journey in Charleston's real estate market.
Office Hours

Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
