Disher, Hamric & Myers
Property Search
Search The MLS


The team of real estate professionals at Disher, Hamrick & Myers looks forward to helping you find your perfect home in your perfect neighborhood. We invite you to begin to search Charleston real estate here. You may browse our featured listings below, by area of town. For more comprehensive information on Charleston neighborhoods – including history, dining options and attractions – be sure to reference our Neighborhood Guide.

East Cooper includes both historic and contemporary homes in Mt. Pleasant, the Isle of Palms, Sullivans Island and Daniel Island. West Ashley includes communities in the city of Charleston as well as James Island, Folly Beach, Johns Island, Summerville, Wadmalaw Island, Kiawah Island and beyond. Some homes will fall within more than one category. Clicking on each listing will bring you to a gallery of photographs, details about the home, a map with nearby attractions and amenities, and the MLS listing with additional photos and information.

If you would like to further broaden your search, please click on “MLS Property Search” in the blue bar above. This will bring you to a sophisticated tool. It allows you to define your search by area, price range, number of rooms, size and additional options. Signing up for an account allows you save searches, request a showing and receive automatic emailed updates every time a new property that matches your search criteria becomes available. (Your contact information will be kept confidential and not be shared with outside parties.) This search tool is mobile-friendly, so you can conduct searches at your convenience as you are out house hunting.

And always, please feel free to call our office or contact one of our agents for assistance. We look forward to opening every door to you. Happy house hunting!

Let's Connect

Discover your dream home with Disher, Hamrick & Myers. Contact us today to start your journey in Charleston's real estate market.
Office Hours

Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
