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Neighborhood Guide

From East of the Cooper to West of the Ashley, Charleston, SC is comprised of many unique and diverse neighborhoods. From historic areas, to up-and-coming tech sectors, to family-friendly suburbs, Disher, Hamrick & Myers invites you to explore them all and find the perfect place to call home. To help you do so, we’ve complied profiles of many Charleston neighborhoods. Just click on each to find a description of the part of town, a brief history, and a list of attractions and dining options along with links. Whether you are searching for a home, wanting to learn more about your town, or just looking for a comprehensive list of things to do and see, we hope this will prove to be your one-stop shop for information on Charleston neighborhoods.

We will be adding to this list regularly, so if there is a Charleston neighborhood that you would like to see profiled, please let us know. For more information on buying a home in one of these areas, reach out to our experienced team of local Charleston Real Estate Agents. They are experts in each part of town and can help you discover which one is right for you. Just another way Disher, Hamrick & Myers is Opening Every Door…

Cannonborough-Elliotborough, downtown Charleston, SC


Cannonborough-Elliotborough is an up-and-coming transitional neighborhood populated by students, young professionals, and long-time local families. Rife with redevelopment, it offers
Charleston Harbor view from James Island

A View of Charleston Harbor

Charleston Harbor is where locals like to say “the Ashley and Cooper Rivers come together to form the Atlantic Ocean.”
Lowcountry marsh with boat on private dock and title "Charleston's Private Islands"

Charleston’s Private Islands – Ultimate Luxury Real Estate

In the world of luxury real estate, private islands stand as unparalleled treasures. Charleston’s private island communities include Kiawah and
Folly Beach Pier and ocean, Charleston, SC

Visit the Edge of America at Folly Beach

Looking for some beach fun close downtown Charleston? Be sure to explore Folly Beach off of James Island. With great
Old Village, Mt. Pleasant, SC

Get to Know the Old Village of Mt. Pleasant

Let’s take a closer at the Old Village of Mt. Pleasant, a charming neighborhood in the heart of East Cooper.
Colonial Lake, Harleston Village, Downtown Charleston, SC

Feel at Home in Harleston Village

Downtown’s Harleston Village -- bordered by Calhoun, Broad and King Streets and the Ashley River -- is one of Charleston’s
Kiawah River Estates, Charleston, SC

Kiawah River Estates: the Kiawah Lifestyle Without the Price

Want the Kiawah Island lifestyle -- including membership to the exclusive Governor's Club at Kiawah Island Resort -- without the
Seabrook Island aerial, Charleston, SC

Kiawah & Seabrook Islands

It doesn't take long to fall in love with the islands. Kiawah Island and Seabrook Island are places steeped in
North Central, Downtown Charleston, SC

North Central Charleston

North Central is one of several neighborhoods on Charleston’s upper peninsula currently undergoing a residential revival. The area is bounded
Houses along the Battery, South of Broad Charleston, SC

South of Broad – A Walk Through History

Take a step back into history and explore the beautiful antebellum neighborhood South of Broad in Charleston, South Carolina. The
Upper King Street, Charleston, SC

Walk to Work Living in the Upper King Design District

Looking for a trendy and relatively affordable home in Charleston, SC? Be sure to consider Upper King Street. With almost

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Discover your dream home with Disher, Hamrick & Myers. Contact us today to start your journey in Charleston's real estate market.
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Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
